Curriculum vitae (CV)Please click on the file to view my CV. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
About Me
Hi everyone!
My name is Sydney Birch, I am a Postdoc at UNCC in the Reitzel lab. I completed my PhD at UNH studying cnidarian sensory biology in the Plachetzki lab. I attended Michigan State University (MSU) for a BS in Zoology. My experiences at MSU are really what fueled my passion for research and education and narrowed my interests to marine biology and sensory biology. At MSU I had many amazing opportunities, one of my most memorable was going on a study abroad to Antarctica (there are pictures to the right)! This experience really sealed the deal for me in wanting to explore the world and become a scientist. In addition to science, I try to find time for my other interests. I enjoy spending time outdoors and doing activities like hiking, kayaking, and going to the beach. I also enjoy knitting and I'm a big fan of football and soccer. |