WelcomeMy name is Sydney Birch and I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in the Reitzel Lab. I completed my Ph.D. in Molecular and Evolutionary Systems Biology (MESB) at the University of New Hampshire. My Ph.D. research was focused on understanding how hydrozoans (Cnidaria) integrate sensory information from the environment at the genetic level and how that mediates an organismal behavioral responses by investigating three closely related hydrozoan species: Hydra vulgaris, Ectopleura crocea, and Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus. In my research, I use a variety of approaches including phylogenetics, bioinformatics, behavioral studies, and molecular techniques. During my Ph.D., I also completed a Minor in College Teaching through the UNH Center of Excellence and Innovation in Teaching and Learning. As a Postdoc, I am investigating host-microbiome and virome interactions in Nematostella, a model sea anemone. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me! For a quick synopsis on one of my research projects check out my 3 Minute Thesis video on my outreach page!
Postdoctoral Fellow, 2022
University of North Carolina Charlotte Research: Host-microbiome and virome interactions in Nematostella Ph.D. MESB, 2022 Minor: College Teaching University of New Hampshire, Durham Dissertation Topic: Sensory Integration in Hydrozoans NSF GRFP Fellow, 2019-2022 B.S. Zoology, 2014 Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI |
Teaching assistant, University of New Hampshire
Course: Genetics Graduate student Mentor in Plachetzki Lab McNair Scholars Graduate Peer Mentor UNH Graduate School Peer Mentor Teaching assistant, Michigan State University Course: Organismal Biology |
Contact Info
Email: [email protected]